Rules & Regulation

Rules & Regulation


A Brief History:

Holy Cross (South) Eng. Medium Higher Secondary School, Tuikarmaw is one among the many Schools under the management of the Fathers of Holy Cross; Northeast India. It was established in the year 1982. It is an English Medium School. Students K.G to Class XII study here. The Directorate of School Education, Govt. Of Tripura, recognized it and is affiliated to Tripura Board of Secondary Education. It is a coeducational Institution. The institution comes under the Right and power granted to religious and linguistic minorities by the constitution of India (Act 20 & 30)

Aims and Objectives:

The aim of Holy Cross Education is to prepare persons for a holistic living.

Holy Cross Education is said to be “Education of the Mind and Heart”.

Gives importance to spiritual and value based growth, understanding of oneself in relation to others in a social milieu and skills that bring out the best in each individual.

Prepares each one to make choices that call for initiatives, hard work, risks and moving forward in new direction striving to bring about social justice, universal brotherhood and National Integration.



Be obedient to my parents, teachers and elders.

Do something good everyday for other people.

Be truthful, sincere, just and arduous.

Involve myself to keep this environment clean and healthy.

Study two to four hours daily and dedicate my life to the service of humanity.

Follow all the rules & regulations of this institution.



K.G to Class II:

Boys: Navy Blue colour long pants and half sleeve light blue shirt and waist coat.

Girls: Navy Blue skirt and half sleeved Light Blue shirt and waist coat


Class III to Class X:

 Boys: Navy Blue colour long pants and half sleeve light blue shirt and Blazer

Girls: Navy Blue colour long pants and half sleeved Light blue shirt and Blazer


Class XI – XII:

Boys: Grey colour pant and half sleeved white shirt with thin blue strips and Blazer

Girls: Salwar top - white colour with thin blue strip and blue colour pant, Blue chunni & Blazer


Wednesday & Saturday: House Dress

Boys                       :              House T shirt and Track pants with white Shoes

Girls                        :               House T shirt and Track pants with white Shoes

Belt                         :               School Belt

Tie                          :               Black colour tie with Black and White Strips                

Shoes                     :               Black Shoes with Black Socks (Except Wednesday & Saturday)

                                :               White Shoes with White Socks (Only on Wednesday & Saturday)

Sweater                   :               Ash Grey Sweater. (During winter)



Admission is granted at class KG 1 is around four years on 1st January.

Admissions for classes 1 to 5 will depend on the vacancies available. Admission test will be conducted for the new admission.

Information regarding admission will be published on the School notice board in the first week of November.

Students should come for the admission along with parents or guardians with the following documents (Original to be Shown and attested copies to be submitted) Birth certificate, the mark sheet of the last Annual examination. Transfer certificate. Conduct certificate from the head of the Institution last attended, Copy of Adhaar card, Bank A/C, Ration Card.

No leaving certificate will be given till all school dues are paid up to March.

A month’s notice must be given before a child is withdrawn from the school.

Transfer Certificates, concession forms etc will be issued only, two days after the application has been submitted to the office. A fee of RS.100 will be charged for any certificate extracted from the school register. Counter Signature for TC is Rs 200.



School fees cover twelve calendar months and may be paid in regular or in advance. No reduction is made for holidays or broken periods. Fees once paid are not refunded.

Fees should be paid on or before by 15th of every month in the School office. A fine of Rs 20/-& 50/- will be levied after the 15th of the month. After the end of the month the fine will be Rs 50 per month on all late payments.

The fee book must be brought along with, each time you pay the fee in the School office.

No bills or reminder are issued: therefore, parents/guardians should see that the fees are paid on time.

All fees must be cleared and checked before a student is admitted for any examination.

Students whose dues are not cleared will be barred from sitting for examinations.

Full fees for the holiday month will be paid before the school closes for the summer and winter vacation.



Staying away from the school without authorization is not permitted except when the cause is sudden illness or other unforeseen circumstances.

Students are not allowed to take part in any external tests/Competitions (drawing, essays, dances, singing, etc) on school days without permission.

After an absence from school the reason for the absence must be written and duly signed by in the ‘Absence from School’ page. In case of failure to write the reason of absence the student will not be allowed to sit in the class.

Medical certificate is to be furnished if a student is absent for more than three days on medical ground and He /she should be accompanied by the parents when coming to the school and seek the consent from Public Relations Officer.

Seek the consent of the class teacher if a student is absent for a single day and if it is more than one day, the student need to meet the Public Relations Officer.

Absence after vacation or long holidays (Puja, summer, winter) will be viewed very seriously. A fine of Rs.50/- per day of absence.

Any leave involving more than six days must be applied for in person and written permission from the principal. Merely submitting an application or a telephonic message won’t be accepted.



Pupils are expected to regularly prepare their lessons and do their homework. Those who have not done their homework will not be allowed to sit in the class.

Pupils should treat their classrooms as sacred places. They are expected to maintain silence and order in the classrooms. Those who disturb the class will be sent out of the classroom. During the absence of a teacher in the classroom, pupils must obey the leader appointed to maintain good order.

Teachers are encouraged to take special classes in the school, which are meant to benefit all pupils

Students should bring all the prescribed text and note books of the day without failure.

Each subject should have separate note book.

Students should submit the projects in time, late submission without valid reason will cause a loss of five marks automatically.



At the reopening of the school, every student should bring two glossy passport size photos

One to be given through class teacher with identity certificate and the other one to be affixed on the first page of the school diary.



Homework is given with two main objectives:

To provide exercise to increase progress and to acquire skill

To test and ascertain the progress and skill acquired. All work of the first type is generally class-work and need not be corrected in detail; but all work of the second type is corrected ( i.e. homework proper)

It is advisable that a student studies at least for two hours on working days and more on holidays.



For the purpose of evaluation, the school conducts Unit tests and class tests. These tests are taken into account for the Half Yearly and Promotion Exams. Absence from these texts will have adverse effect on promotion.

To secure promotion one must obtain 40% of marks in all the subjects.

Ranks/Grades are given to those who have passed in all the subjects.

Students who copies from other candidates, or disturbs the Students sitting next or carries answer sheets, or any other Dishonesty will not be allowed to write any exams and declared as absent.

Due to any unforeseen circumstances, if test/exams are not held on the scheduled date, the same will be held on last day.

Re-exams or tests will not be held for the absent students.

Students should have a minimum 80% of attendance to be Eligible for promotion to next class.

The result of the Half-Yearly and Final Examination will be given only to the parents/guardians and that too only on the Specified date.



1. Pupils are expected to regularly prepare their lessons & do their homework. Those who have not done their homework will not be allowed to sit in the class.

2. It is obligatory to wear the uniform prescribed for the season on class days and at school functions. Those who are not correctly dressed in conformity with the regulations of the school will not be admitted to the class.

3. Except for reasons of ill health and unavoidable circumstances, a previous written application from the guardian is required for any leave of absence. If any pupil has been absent for more than two days, he/she should not enter the class without first obtaining permission from the Principal and accompanied by the parents.

4. Any pupil who is absent himself/herself for more than one calendar month without  a written permission from the principal shall have his/her name struck off the rolls. To be re-admitted he/she will have to pay fresh admission fees as well as all fees for the said period of absence.

5.Those who do not report to class for one week after the vacation will have their names struck off the rolls. The principal reserves the right to consider applications for the readmission of such pupils.

6.Pupils should treat their classrooms as sacred places. They are expected to maintain silence and order in the classrooms. Those who disturb the class will be sent out of the classroom. During the absence of a teacher from the class pupils must obey the leader appointed to maintain good order.

7. Running, playing or shouting in the school building are not permitted. During the class hours pupils should move along the corridors in silence and order.

8. Participation in games, physical training, cultural activities and socially useful productive works are compulsory. Exemption will be granted on medical ground only.

9. Pupils are strictly forbidden to form any association or to engage themselves in any group activity or to raise funds for any purpose without the permission of the principal or any officer authorized by him on his behalf.

10.No one should write on the furniture or walls or damage any school articles. Damage by accident should be reported to the principal at once. Any damage caused to school property or to the property of another student must be compensated with money or by replacing the said product.

11.Irregular attendance, habitual idleness, theft, dishonesty, immoral conduct, insubordination, neglect of homework, disobedience or disrespect towards the members of the staff, unruly behaviour or immoral influence justifies dismissal.

12.English should be spoken in the school premises at all times in order to acquire fluency in speaking the      language.

13.Without the written permission from the Principal or Public Relations Officer, pupils will not be allowed to    leave the school during school hours.

14.Pupils of this school are not permitted to bring Mobile phones, Electronic gadgets, unauthorized CDs, Cameras, Fancy watches and Gold ornaments and other valuable goods to the school. Once seized, such things will not be returned.

15.Those who do not come to the school with proper uniform will be fined.

16. Students are to show discipline in their hair style. Boys have to closely trim their hair and girls need to tie      their hair with ribbon properly.

17. No smoking, chewing gum and pan in the school premises.

18.  At all time speak well of the school, teachers, and administration especially in the presence of the children. Should you have any legitimate grievance, meet the principal at the earliest. If you still feel that the method and education that is imparted, the fee that is being charged, the discipline that is enforced in the school, is not up to your expectation and you feel constant unhappiness, feel free to withdraw your child from the school any time. We prefer that you be the part of the solution and not part of the problem.

    A regular school-parent-Teacher interaction is very important for the systematic follow up of the child.Correspondence regarding the students is to be addressed to the Principal.

    Parents can meet the teachers to discuss their child’s performance in the school on Saturdays from  9am to 10am.

   The Principal can be met on all working days (Monday-Friday) from 9.00am-11.30 am.



                The school academic year is divided into two terms.

                1st Term: April to September

                2nd Term: October to March


The school will have two short vacations for Puja and in winter and a long vacation for summer.


1.             Basket Ball                              8.       Computer Lab

2.             Volley Ball                               9.       Composite Science lab

3.             Foot Ball                                 10.      Library  

4.             Cricket                                    11.     Seminar Hall       

5.             Badminton                            12.      Drinking Water facility

6              Eco friendly campus            13.      Special activities

7.             Smart class rooms              14.      Seminars              


General instructions to Parents:


1.    The entrusting of a pupil to the school implies that the parents agree to abide by the rules and regulations and decisions of the school. They are also requested to read the rules carefully and see that they are followed.

2.    Parents are expected to co-operate in the work of the school by enforcing regularity, punctuality and discipline and by taking a daily interest in their children’s progress. They should check the daily for any remarks and note the homework given.

3.    The parents should also check the diaries regularly and note the teacher’s remarks, etc and acknowledge the same promptly by placing their signature against the remark.

4.    Parents should see that their children study and do their homework regularly.

5.   They are also asked to check all subject homework notebooks prescribed for students and sign them periodically. Parents should make sure that their wards do their daily homework regularly.

6.   If you observe that your ward in V to XII is not assigned homework for sometime, or that he/she is unable to follow the lessons, the principal should be contacted.

7.  Parents are expected to make their own arrangement whenever students are asked to come before/remain after school hours for various curricular and extracurricular activities. Whenever the parents are asked to meet the principal to discuss their son’s /daughters academic condition/ any misbehaviour, they should meet the principal without fail on the stipulated date specified in the circular letter sent by the school office.

8.   Parents who seek information or who wish to make some complaint should do so to the principal or to the Public Relations officer and not to the class teacher.

9.   Parents, Guardians or other persons are not allowed to meet the students or interview their teachers during school hours without permission of the principal.

10. Parents, when communicating with the principal are requested to mention in their letter the class (standard) and section of their children.

11. Parents who wish to take their children out during the school hours should get the necessary written permission from the principal by submitting a letter stating the reason. Parents should come in person to take their children from the school.

12. As a part of birthday celebration, only chocolates should be sent for distribution. During examination, birthday celebration or distribution of chocolates is prohibited.

13. Parents are requested not to bring sick children during examination. Gate pass will not be issued for early dispersal during the examination.

14. To keep the environment clean and green, plastics are strictly prohibited in the school premises. Parents are requested to provide students dry food, fruits, biscuits etc in the Tiffin box only. One bottle of water is also a must. Cold drinks, Cola, Fizzy drinks are strictly prohibited.


Dear student,

The class room is yours. Feel free to use it. But the following directives are to be strictly followed for better order.

When you enter the classroom if you are late say “EXCUSE ME” and when you leave the classroom say “THANK YOU”.

You are expected to come to classroom NEAT AND TIDY with your daily time-table, Tiffin box, water bottle, and diary and hand kerchief.

You are expected to be REGULAR AND PUNCTUAL to the school. Those who are late to the school, the attendance will be marked absent.

RESPECT your teacher and classmates.

Switch off the fans and lights from the class as you leave the classroom.

Kindly maintain the classroom well. Don’t WRITE OR SCRATCH OR DRAW pictures on the desks, benches, tables, chair or walls. Any one damaging school property will be fined.

Maintain silence in the absence of the teacher in the classroom and class leader is responsible for the same.

All the WRAPPERS, WASTE PAPERS must be put in the dustbin.

Students are expected to go for the personal needs not during the class hours unless it is very urgent.

All Students are expected to keep up the good name of the School by your good work and behavior.

Be PROUD of your school and Teachers.

Always be healthy and take good care of yourselves. Do the home work assigned to you at proper time.

Cover your text and exercise books and keep them neat and tidy.

Practice handwriting for ten minutes every day.

Get into the habit of the reading books and watching daily news in English.